✅ Blogs on custom domains are discoverable
✅ You can choose your handle for your custom domain blog (default: @blog@example.com)
✅ Custom domain blogs have NodeInfo showing them each as a single-user "instance"
✅ AP endpoints should be future-proof for when you can eventually self-host your blog
✅ Posts federate from blogs on custom domains

@writeas_dev Maybe I'm stupid, or maybe just a bit slow because it's nearly 4am, but how are blogs on custom domains discoverable? I'm still very much a Mastodon newbie.

@konc No worries, you'll find them by searching for them from Mastodon, e.g. just type in @blog@yourdomain.com

By default your name will look like that, but if you go to your blog settings it'll show you what your handle is and let you change it to whatever you'd like.

@writeas_dev Any chance to plug this into the @readwriteas to link to the blog's account somehow if federation is enabled?

@writeas_dev Out of curiosity, where does the author come from? Tried finding it in the blog settings but couldn't see it anywhere. writing.exchange/@readwriteas/


@konc It comes from the blog title (the big text box at the top of the blog setting page), but it is odd that it seems to be getting truncated in that toot. Might be an issue with the bot that posts them, because all it does is pull from the Read.Write.as RSS feed and that seems to have the correct title

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@writeas_dev Ah, that makes sense but I wasn't sure. I guess it just wasn't expecting a comma.

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