Heads up: while we're going to keep running indefinitely for our existing customers, we'll be closing to new customers in the near future!
Mostly, I just want to focus all my energy on one hosted #WriteFreely service (@write_as), and of course, continuing to develop WF itself.
@writefreelyhost @write_as Quick question. Would writefreely support mariadB ?
@writefreelyhost @write_as so basically I am wasting money on doing my stuff on write as..... I left WordPress for this. I do not own a iPhone and won't be getting on. Macos is against my morals. So writ as was my biggest option for my blogs / radio show notes.
The focus on Write.as and Writefreely is excellent. Thanks
Luckily there are some other great options out there if you need managed #WriteFreely hosting, including @Cloud68 and Spacebear (@support).
I've just updated our site to reflect that: https://writefreely.org/services/hosting