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As we approach v1.0 and I don't see many huge changes ahead, I'm starting on our documentation.

I'm getting the core stuff (like configuration) written in a new repository now. Everything is in plain text / Markdown, which we'll eventually use to generate nice web pages on the official project site.

Contributions are always welcome, as well as suggestions for what we should include!

Nice, we may be able to support changing fediverse handles / moving accounts across instances with this change.

Coming to in v0.8: user invites! This'll make it much easier to run a private / invite-only community.

It's a pretty big feature, so if you're comfortable working with Go (), you can help us test it out here:

Couldn't find a good database migration library; decided to just write it all manually. It's a pain and not the prettiest, but it'll work. Now I can finally move forward with new features like user invites.

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A Bunch Tell

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