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[] schu opened #216: collections.go:233: [PROGRAMMER ERROR] WARNING: Collection.hostName is empty!

Mentions are live on our demo instance,, right now -- and registrations are open.

Feel free to try it all out!

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This should be sent out as a Note (we hope), and maybe it'll even include the title I gave it! #testing

ActivityPub mentions on are coming Soon™!

Here's a bit more info about them, including how you might use them to have fediverse conversations around your posts:

Want to get involved with #WriteFreely development?

We just added a "Good First Issues" label in our development tracker, and our first task up for grabs: adding ActivityPub "attachments" information for images included in a post.

Learn more about how to get started on that here:


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A Bunch Tell

This instance is only for A Bunch Tell projects.