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In case you missed it, #WriteFreely updates will now show up on our official Mastodon account for the project: @writefreely! We'll keep this account limited mostly to, the hosted WriteFreely service.

Otherwise for bigger, less frequent announcements (like new releases), you can still follow the official WriteFreely blog: @writefreely.

#WriteFreely v0.13 Release Candidate 1 is here! It includes over a year of changes and improvements, from a new WYSIWYG editor to Web Monetization support to new OAuth provider support.

Read about everything in this latest release and, if you're adventurous, you can upgrade to this Release Candidate today:

If you give it a shot, please share any feedback or bug reports!

Just a few things left to merge for v0.13, then it'll be out the door!

Would appreciate any help admins can offer with testing / code review at this point.

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A Bunch Tell

This instance is only for A Bunch Tell projects.