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There are quite a few things I'm excited about once we get through this migration.

Most of all, we can finally start working on @snap_as again. I know a ton of people have been waiting for new features there, so I'm excited for us to release those.

You can see some of what we have planned on the roadmap:

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This week we announced that @snap_as is getting ready to leave its "alpha" status:

Initially we thought this would involve some downtime for everyone. But instead of that, we'll probably let everyone simply migrate whenever they're ready.

That means everything on the "old" will remain live, but to upload or modify anything, you'll first need to kick off a migration for your account.

[] AngeloStavrow opened writefreely-swiftui-multiplatform #98: Post status doesn't always update when publishing local changes

[] AngeloStavrow opened writefreely-swiftui-multiplatform #97: Share link format does not update after moving post

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